
Auto Dealers-New/UsedRecreational Vehicles-Sales/Rentals/Service

About Us

Family is at the heart of every sale we make. While there are plenty of things you buy for your family that you might consider “boring but important,” boats and RVs are there purely for your enjoyment. At Bretz RV & Marine, it's about equipping your family with high-quality items that'll allow you to have the maximum amount of fun while putting the stresses and concerns of everyday life behind you. And should anything ever go wrong with your boat or RV, our team will be on-hand to get you moving again and provide any additional support you might need.

Rep/Contact Info

Drew Atkeison
Dave Bakker
Isaac Bernhard
Bradley Billedeaux
Madison Bonnett
Scott Bonnett
Logan Brandner-Jones
Dustin Bretz
Dyllan Brinkman
Aaron Brown
William Cermak
Alex Chandli
Derrick Clute
Alex Cogdill
Dayton Cogdill
John Colter
Jared Daniels
Thomas Davie
Demirae Davis
Joseph Day
Haley Derryberry
Mandi Dillmann
William Dodds
Jordyn Donahue
Kristina Drennon
Steven Dutson
Merrick Fair
Nicholas Flemmer
Travis Flynn
Andi Fossen
Jeremiah Fritz
Kara Glandt
Scott Grasse
Andrew Gregor
Blake Gregor
Timothy Hankes
Dylin Hanson
James Hill
Nikolaus Hinebauch
Richard Holstein
Robyn Howard
Doug Hoyer
Hector Jimenez
James Johnson
Wes Johnson
Josiah Jones
Andrea Kerns
Kaeli Kline
Kevin Kohlhepp
Spencer Lariviere
Sage LeBrun
Jostlynn Lindell
Ryan Linnell
Brent Littler
Johnelle Long
Andrew Loughnane
Alexander Lovett
Lewis Lux
Katelin Lyman
Daniel Manning
Hunter Mares
Melissa Mckinnon
Tom Milikiewicz
Julia Mills
Megon Mitts
Meredith Myrstol
Joshua Nease
Chris Neece
Gideon Neff
Misty Nichols
Sandy Niemeyer
Aimee Nunn
Shannon Passon
Annie Perez
Tayte Perez
Hannah Pettis
Joseph Pratt
Keagan Pugh
William Quint
Kyle Rasmussen
Richard Ray
Randy Replogle
Joshua Robbins
David Robinson
Chris Round
Misty Rudy
Elisabet Rueda
Javan Ryan
Tucker Samano
Garrett Samples
Bill Schaff
Guy Scullen
Eden Seiffert
Amanda Shaver
Ella Smith
Stan Smith
Daniel Snow
Michael Sorell
Tori Staley
Trenton Steiner
Gunnar Trang
Jeff Van Blaricum
Landon Vannatta
Jennifer Vetch
Walley Voges
Marty Weeks
Ike Weitman
Alyssa West
Tyler Wheatley
Deyja Whitcomb
Elliot Whitcomb
Casey White
Rai Winzer
Natasha Wittman
David Woodcock